Bodhisattva Ideal - Jade Bodhisattva Buddhista Egyházközösség

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Bodhisattva Ideal


Ananda (István Ladányi): Kuan-jin's smile


In my childhood when sometimes I got sad or injured,
I ran to my mother to tell her how I had suffered.
My good mother just looked at me, listened the complaint,
Her gentle smile just made the pain instantly dissapeared.

Mother’s speach was nicel and wise, she could always care,
Though I don’t remember too much in particular.
Sometimes I recall, though time have made it pale, fragile:
The precious mother’s comforter and loving, caring smile.


I grew up and I fell in love as anybody else,
Her beauty and charm imprisoned me in togetherness.
We have felt a lot of common - me and my princess,
When she smiled at me my heart was full of happiness.

I have some nice memories of what we had common,
And a number of them which passed to oblivion.
I often recall one, though our love’s already died,
The beloved one’s beatific and loving, caring smile.


As I grew older I’ve experienced ilness,
But a new, supportive friend appeared from emptiness.
He could be teacher and brother, exemplar in one,
His guidance and inspiration helped to carry on.

I’ve learned from him certitude and lot of useful things,
But I’m held back by desires and the veil of dreams.
Still, I recall always - because he never declined:
The good guru’s inspiriting and loving, caring smile.


I’ve sat silently on my own in my present time,
And asked Her, the Great Sympathy, to help me live my life.
The Bodhisattva smiled at me and I have recognized
The common one that was completely confused by my mind:

We’re together: Mother, Love, Teacher and Mankind,
But I could not see it ‘cause of the desire-mantled mind,
The one’s always present since time cannot exile:
The perfect and universal, understanding smile.

That is what I have to hand over to Everyone!

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